Gidday All,

Im modifying this package. What it does is produce the html for our 
presentation templates of our content management system.

I have to keep track of the number of forms on my page so I can create 
unique names for them, to do that I have initiated a variable FRM_CNT.

One of my more experienced colleagues said I should do this in the 
constructor. As below.

The modification I have to make is to add a sub that produces the HTML for 
a drop down box, one of the first tasks of this sub is to generate the 
form name

sub getDropDownHTML {
  my ($self,$lstr) = @_;
  my $outHTML = "";
  my $formName = 'form'.$self->?

How do I reference the FRM_CNT variable of the package, am I on the right 
track ?

Any help appreciated.
Thank You

package aphrweb::htmlHelper;
use strict;

# This package builds HTML used:
#  - in 'old' workflow (new workflow (cwf) is done in cwfHelper)
#  - in TPLs (converts DCR fields to HTML)

# globals
my %w3styles = ();
my $needStyles = 1;
my $tabCnt = 0;

# Constructor.
sub new
  my ($proto, $sysData) = @_;
  my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;

  my $object = {};
  bless $object, $class;

  $object->{"SYS_DATA"}  = $sysData;
  $object->{"W3_STYLES"} = "";

  $object->{"ASSET_URI"}    = "/hr/global/yourcareer";
  $object->{"ASSET_FOLDER"} = "globalassets";
  $object->{"HTML_BR"}      = "global";

  my $debug = $sysData->{"debug"};

  return $object;

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