On Nov 14, Colin Johnstone said:

>I have to keep track of the number of forms on my page so I can create
>unique names for them, to do that I have initiated a variable FRM_CNT.
>The modification I have to make is to add a sub that produces the HTML for
>a drop down box, one of the first tasks of this sub is to generate the
>form name
>sub getDropDownHTML {
>  my ($self,$lstr) = @_;
>  my $outHTML = "";
>  my $formName = 'form'.$self->?
>  return($outHTML);
>How do I reference the FRM_CNT variable of the package, am I on the right
>track ?


>  $object->{"SYS_DATA"}  = $sysData;
>  $object->{"W3_STYLES"} = "";
>  $object->{"ASSET_URI"}    = "/hr/global/yourcareer";
>  $object->{"ASSET_FOLDER"} = "globalassets";
>  $object->{"HTML_BR"}      = "global";
>  ++$object->{"FRM_CNT"};
>  my $debug = $sysData->{"debug"};
>  $debug->cp3Debug("htmlHelper::new","src='".$sysData->{"SRC"}."'");

You don't need quotes around keys to hashes, if they're simple strings
like the ones you've shown.  Specifically, that last line could be:

  $debug->cp3Debug("htmlHelper::new", "src='$sysData->{SRC}'");

Oh, and I don't know if you have control over the cp3Debug() method, but
the caller() function can tell you what function you came from, so you
don't need to hard-code it into every debugging call.

Jeff "japhy" Pinyan      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://www.pobox.com/~japhy/
RPI Acacia brother #734   http://www.perlmonks.org/   http://www.cpan.org/
<stu> what does y/// stand for?  <tenderpuss> why, yansliterate of course.
[  I'm looking for programming work.  If you like my work, let me know.  ]

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