Thanks that worked....

On Mon, 2003-11-17 at 15:27, James Edward Gray II wrote:

    On Nov 17, 2003, at 4:18 PM, Eric Walker wrote:
    > I have the following code to find a quote in a string and replace it
    > with a slashquote.
    > ie " goes to \"
    > How do I get it to do more than one substitution in the string.
    The /g modifier, for "global".
    > $_ = $$Rules{$yes}{rule_desc};
    > s/"/\\"/;
    > $$Rules{$yes}{rule_desc} = $_;
    Let's clean that up a little.  We don't need $_ here.
    $$Rules{$yes}{rule_desc} =~ s/"/\\"/g;
    How's that?

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