Nyimi Jose wrote:
> More and more my fellow Java's friends tell me about IoC.
> What is IoC in Perl world ?
> Examples ?
> Here are some links about IoC a friend gave to me :
> http://picocontainer.org/ioc.html
> http://jakarta.apache-korea.org/avalon/framework/guide-patterns-ioc.html
> http://www.springframework.org/docs/lightweight_container.html
> http://javangelist.snipsnap.org/space/IoC

Hi José.

This pairs nicely with Kevin's question about callbacks, because
that's essentially what IoC is. In the classic model the code
know all about the structure of the program as a whole and where
to find the functions it needs. You will code your Perl program
to call a particular member function from a specific package.

In IoC your code only needs to declare what it's able to do
and the lower-level software will decide when to call it.

In Joseph's 'sort' example in the 'What is a callback' thread
the compare function just sets itself up, saying 'I can tell
you which order a pair of values should be in'. It then sits
back and waits to be summoned.

Another obvious IoC situation is in Windows programming, where
the program is effectively just a fixed set of subroutines that
Windows needs to call at the appropriate time.

But don't go trying to write code using IoC just because somebody's
recently thought of a name for it. The idea's been around a long
time and it isn't often a good way to write stuff.



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