> Hello There,
> I would like to see if my ISP has perl available if one wanted to
> perl into a web page.  Is there a quick and dirty web page I can
upload to my
> ISP to test if perl is available and works ?  I would also like to see
> version of perl is running ?
> Could someone post something here that I can run ?  

This is a tougher question than just "can someone post a page to cehck
for Perl" as that "page" would have to interact with the underlying
system in some way, namely checking for a perl executable, and testing
to see if it can be fired by the current user.  Probably two of the
easiest ways to do this is with either a) a server parsed html page that
contains a #exec cmd include that will run an arbitrary command such as
'which perl' or even just 'perl -v' but then your question has only
changed into "Does my ISP support server side includes, and exec'd
includes on top of that?  What extension do I need to use for said
server parsed pages? etc." or 2) fire up a quick PHP page (assuming you
can answer the question, does my ISP offer PHP support?) that will check
the system for the above requirements using whatever PHP's 'system' like
function is.  But at that point the problem still hasn't been reduced to
anything but "what is the right question to be asking my ISP?" which is
probably the best answer, why not just ask the ISP your questions?  If
they can't or won't answer the questions then you should be asking
yourself when you are switching ISPs.


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