Begin forwarded message:

From: drieux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: December 4, 2003 8:11:46 PM PST
To: "B. Fongo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Pattern matching

On Dec 4, 2003, at 7:09 PM, B. Fongo wrote:

sub select_newer { my (@remote_packages, @installed_packages); (@remote_packages, @installed_packages) = @_; foreach (@installed_packages){ my $i = grep {$_} @remote_packages && ; }

I'll appreciate any help

that's not going to work the way you would like since perl does not take in two arrays like that.

What you will need is a bit of indirection
by dealing with references.

sub select_newer {
    my ($remote_packages, $installed_packages) = @_;
    foreach (@$installed_packages){
         my $i = grep {$_} @$remote_packages && ;

You can now pass in the two arrays as

my $need_list = select_newer([EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]);

then iterate over it in the class form of

        foreach my $pkg ( @$need_list)
                # do the stuf with it.

That being said, you might want to think about a
strategy of something like

         my @remote_packages = qw(perl-5.8.0-88.3.i386.rpm
        samba-2.2.7-5.7.0.i386.rpm bob-;
         my @installed_packages = qw(perl-5.8.0-80.3.i386.rpm
         samba-2.2.7-5.8.0.i386.rpm  bob-;
        my $need_list = check_lists([EMAIL PROTECTED] , [EMAIL PROTECTED]);
        foreach my $pkg (@$need_list)
                print "need $pkg\n";
        sub check_lists
                my ($src, $dst) = @_;
                #Making a quick pick hash
                my %src_hash = map { $_ => 1 } @$src;
                my @need_list;
                foreach my $key ( @$dst )
                        push(@need_list, $key)
                [EMAIL PROTECTED];
        } # end of check_lists

Or are you expecting that you MIGHT get into the case where
you have downloaded and installed 'a newer version' say
the case where you installed

and do not want to 'back rev' yourself??





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