On Jun 23, 2004, at 12:59 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

OK. I am reading a file. This line is at the bottom of the
file and the "****-----------******" is a sign that the section is complete.

This may be a sign that you aren't reading the file in the easiest possible way. I wonder if setting the input separator to this sequence would be the way to go. Something like:

local $/ = '****-----------******';

I need to be able to pick up that line, and see if there is
also code on the beginning of that line that I need to save.

save( $1 ) if m/^(.+)\Q****-----------******\E$/;

So in this case I was searching for words (with colon's)
and perhaps other code that precedes the "****----****"
and to try and discard the end of the line. (After the word
FILING, there is a page break character, but it's all being
read in as one line.)

Is that a form feed character? Is it the only one in the file? You might be able to use that somehow. Ideas:

local $/ = "\f";

# or ...

save( $1 ) if m/^([^\f]+)\f/;

# or ...

my $words = (split m/\f/, $your_line)[0];

This is a sample of the line:
Comment: FILING ****------------------------------------------------------------------- -----****

That's why I tried (and failed :>) with this:
if (/(\w+:?\s*\w*:?)+(.*?\*+\s*-+\s*\*+\s*)$/)  {

I hope that helps.

Hopefully the above might give you some fresh ideas.


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