
15.12.2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>$mw->>Button (-text=>"run",
>         -command=> sub {test($rb_val,$bonobo,$oracleid)})
> ->place(-x=>320,-y=>>250 ,-width=>75);

thanks for your reply.

I tried to adapt to your example:

    ( -text => 'Add',
      -command => sub { add_item($var1, $var2) }
    ) -> pack;

but the output &add_item delivers looks more like hash references
than the content of aforementioned variables:
Added Tk::Entry=HASH(0x1c1956c) Tk::Entry=HASH(0x1c1e3a8)

Is it possible to pass simple variables via Entry/Button in the
first place, and if, how?

Best regards, 

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