
thanks for your reply.

16.12.2003, R. Joseph Newton wrote:

> What does perldoc Tk::Entry tell you?

a) that there is a doc for Entry in the first place - I didn't
   know that, only read the main TK documentation. ^^;

b) Now that I read it, hmm, not much I'm afraid. Either I missed
   the part where it states how the data is encoded or I don't
   know enough about Perl (true, of course) to have it trigger
   something in my brain.

> Try something like this:

>  command => [\&read_entry_and_print, $entry])->pack;
>   my $entry = shift;
>   my $response = $entry->get();

It works, thanks. As mentioned in the other mail (which should have
been out to the list by yesterday already) I'll read into get as soon
as possible.

> my $win = MainWindow->new(height => 150, -width => 250);

Hmm, are you sure this works? The window my script creates shrinks to
width and height of the widgets (ActivePerl 5.8 on WinXP if that

Ok, and now breakfast. :)

> Joseph

Best regards, 

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