Drieux wrote:
> On Dec 18, 2003, at 3:08 AM, Rob Dixon wrote:
> > That's exactly what the ExtUtils::Installed was created for:
> >
> >   use strict;
> >   use warnings;
> >
> >   use ExtUtils::Installed;
> >
> >   my $install = new ExtUtils::Installed;
> >   print map "$_\n", $install->modules;
> why on my linux box does that print
> meatbop: 58:] ./find_modules.plx
> Perl
> meatbop: 59:]
> and on my solaris box it does
> vladimir: 58:] ./find*
> C::Scan
> Data::Flow
> Perl
> vladimir: 59:]
> whereas the traversing code I posted yesterday
> cf
> <http://www.wetware.com/drieux/pbl/perlTrick/traverse_inc.plx>
> meatbop: 74:] ./tra* | head
> traversing /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl
> traversing /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.1
> Module: AnyDBM_File
> Module: Attribute::Handlers
> Module: Attribute::Handlers::demo::Demo
> Module: Attribute::Handlers::demo::Descriptions
> Module: Attribute::Handlers::demo::MyClass
> Module: AutoLoader
> Module: AutoSplit
> Module: B
> meatbop: 75:]
> seems to get around that limitation?
> Is the vendor supplied version of perl from
> Linux for Suse and RedHat defective?

ExtUtils::Installed relies on the modules having been installed
properly instead of just being copied into the right places.
It reads the .packlist files that result from the installation.
Seems like your stuff has been hacked.

Without .packlist there's no real way of establishing what
useable modules are installed. The best you can do is to list
all the 'package' statements in all the .pm files in @INC. A
lot of these packages internal to the module and aren't meant
to be 'use'd directly.



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