On Dec 18, 2003, at 12:41 PM, Rob Dixon wrote: [..]
It reads the .packlist files that result from the installation.
Seems like your stuff has been hacked.

"Vendor Supplied, Vendor Supported" I think is the phrase you were looking for.

Ironically, the modules that i did the build and
install of show up - eg:

libex: 57:] ./find* | head -12
libex: 58:]

Those modules that are of course there with the "Perl"
are your friends and mine, the underlying requirements
for installing libwww-perl and were installed the old
fashion way, from a re-build in the src tree...

But over on the stock Suse Linux box, none of the stuff
that is in vendor_site shows up in the process. Repeat
for Redhat 7.X and 9.X pro and vanilla.

So given that the OP had asked about knowing what
was on their Linux Box, it is not a complete Leap
of Faith to presume that they are working with the
'perl stuff' that delivered onto their box from
the Vendor with YAST - since clearly the OP had
not done the traditional old school tie of walking
their source tree to do the build and install per
OS type and CPU architecture to make the cut over
from pre perl5.8 to post perl5.8.... but I am willing
to admit that is a presumption of mine.

Without .packlist there's no real way of establishing what
useable modules are installed. The best you can do is to list
all the 'package' statements in all the .pm files in @INC. A
lot of these packages internal to the module and aren't meant
to be 'use'd directly.

What gets even gigglier in all of this is that at least the Freaks over at Apple 'did the right thing' with their Foundation and PerlObjCBridge bridge elements. But there is also the Irony, that my idiotic


which of course does have the obligatory .packlist
file in the 'site_perl' section is not found...

So clearly there are more than a few issues that
will need to be cleaned up in the overall process here.



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