Wow! That's a lot to take in, but consider it, and I'll get back 
to you with the results of my considerations.

Thanks much.

Bill J.

On Mon, 22 Dec 2003, James Edward Gray II wrote:

> On Dec 21, 2003, at 10:47 PM, Bill Jastram wrote:
> > James:
> >
> > Thanks for the sample and I agree it does work.
> >
> > How can I create an array of just the first names for a file?
> >
> > This is what I have so far:
> Let's take a look at what you have first.
> You're missing two very important lines right here:
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> These promise Perl you'll play by the good programmer rules, so it can 
> help you find problems.  That's a good deal.
> > open (A, "testing.txt");
> Always check if an open succeeded.  There are plenty of reasons it may 
> not.
> Also, you'll generally stay more sane if you use better names for file 
> handle/variables than A.
> open CONTACTS, 'testing.txt' or die "File error:  $!";
> > @A = <A>;
> my @A = <CONTACTS>;
> We're reading the whole file here, but you only need one line at a 
> time.  We can do better.
> > foreach ($n = 0; $n<10; $n++)
> > {
> >
> > #Split each record into its fields
> > $item =  $A[$n];
> These two lines can be simplified:
> for my $item (@A[0..9]) {  # if you really only wanted the first ten 
> lines
> # or...
> for my $item (@A) {  # if you wanted them all
> > @addArray = split( "\t", $item); #Splits each line into its tab fields
> > $first = $addArray[0]; #Breaks down array into proper fields
> > $last = $addArray[1];
> > $add  = $addArray[2];
> > $city = $addArray[3];
> > $state = $addArray[4];
> > $zip = $addArray[5];
> my($first, $last, $add, $city, $state, $zip) = split /\t/, $item;
> > printf  "\n%s %s\n%s\n%s %s %s\n", $first, $last, $add, $city, $state,
> > $zip;
> > _________________________________________________
> Let's try something simpler:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> # use with:
> # perl this_script_name testing.txt
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> while (<>) {  # process args line by line
>       printf "\n%s %s\n%s\n%s %s %s\n", split /\t/, $_;
> }
> __END__
> > What it seems I need now is to create arrays for each of the fields, 
> > so I
> > can proceed to make three columns of labels.
> That's a little trickier, but let's see if we can keep it pretty simple:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> # use with:
> # perl this_script_name testing.txt
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> my(@col1, @col2, @col3);
> my $col = 1;
> while (<>) {
>       if ($col == 1) { push @col1, $_ }
>       elsif ($col == 2) { push @col, $_ }
>       else {
>               push @col3, $_;
>               $col = 1;
>               next;
>       }
>       $col++;
> }
> # that should load @col1, @col2 and @col3
> # can you come up with an output loop for them that goes here?
> __END__
> Does that help you along?
> James

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