--As off Friday, December 26, 2003 3:16 PM -0600, John McKown is alleged to have said:

Actually, I considered an "ini" or "cfg" file, but rejected it. I
was  wanting something more "standalone" in this case. First, it
seemed a bit  much for only 4 parms. Second, I didn't want to
maintain a separate file.  Third, I didn't want to parse an "ini"
file, although there is likely a  CPAN module around to do that.
And I already use LWP::UserAgent and  HTTP::Request::Common, so
requiring another CPAN modules is not really a  big deal. I really
appreciate CPAN!

--As for the rest, it is mine.

Personal opinion: A cfg file is much easier to update/maintain then environment variables, and a command line is easier to use for 'variable' setups. For a case like this I would probably want to use a combined commandline/config file setup. Luckily, that only requires *one* CPAN module: AppConfig. It will handle both, in either order.

Daniel T. Staal

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