On Dec 26, 2003, at 9:37 AM, John McKown wrote: [..]

export DIR1=...
export DIR2=...
export IPADDR=...
export IPPORT=...


perl-script.perl DIR1 DIR2 IPADDR IPPORT

Thanks for the seasonal ranting option:


I must confess that I find it rather ironic that you
started with environmental variables rather than
positional arguments. I would of course recommend
that you start with

perldoc Getopt::Long

One of my more demented variants is up at:
<http://www.wetware.com/drieux/pbl/perlTrick/CommandLine/ do_get_opt_long.txt>

But what I think you will really want to get in touch with
is the idea of a configuration file, either as a 'default
preference' file, if this is really going to be an application
layer programme - or in the more traditional set of issues
related to writing daemons and configuration files for them.



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