On Wed, 2003-12-31 at 14:35, James Edward Gray II wrote:
    On Dec 31, 2003, at 3:05 PM, Eric Walker wrote:
    > Ok thanks for that  info.  Now is there a way to move back up the file
    > and get previous lines or do you have to store them in a variable and
    > use them later.
    Well, you got lot's of information about this yesterday, I believe.
    You can store them in variables as myself and others have shown.  You 
    can slurp the entire file into an array an work with indexed lines, if 
    file sizes are reasonable.  You can also use the Tie::File module, to 
    treat the file itself as an array.
    If you're still working on the same issues though, you'll get a lot 
    more out of us by posting something to work with:  your code, data, and 
    desired results, for example.
Thanks all for your help and suggestions.  Seems I have been going about
this the wrong way.  Not thinking outside of the box.  Thanks!!!!!  
perl knucklehead

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