Eric Walker wrote:

> Ok thanks for that  info.  Now is there a way to move back up the file
> and get previous lines or do you have to store them in a variable and
> use them later.

Yes and no.  Yes there is, but no, you are probably not ready to use this well. Perl 
have tell and seek functions, but they take some serious understanding of the 
structure you
are dealing with.  I don't see that yet.  Look, you want the information that is 
from the file when you do the line-get with <GIN>.  When you have a later use for
information you encounter, the direct approach is to store it in a properly-scoped
variable.  You will have to wrap your head around the concept of scoping if you want 
this to
work.  For the time being, you should assume that file-reading is a one-way affair, 
and work
on the way you structure your logic, then on the code that reflects that logic.

What is it you are trying to do?  Why do you want to input that line in the middle of 
loop, and what do you need it for later?  When you can answer these questions clearly, 
code will follow along quite quickly.


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