Thanks for the help drieux.

I could have been more explicit in my question to have stated that
I want perl.script to exit quietly if there are no files on the 
command line or if not invoked as the recipient of piped output.

I tested your code (I named the file test.input.source) and ...

Case 1. a file is specified - works as desired.
> test.input.source test.input.source 
file test.input.source had 59 number of lines
we saw 59 number of lines

Case 2. a file is cat'd to test.input.source - works as desired.
> cat test.input.source |test.input.source
no command line args - switching to STDIN
STDIN had 59 number of lines
we saw 59 number of lines

Case 3. (this is the difficult case for me) the script is invoked
with no file and no pipe to it.  I would like the script to 
end quietly, such as

Instead, it waits for input.

> test.input.source                       
no command line args - switching to STDIN

and now it waits forever.

So I do not want to explicitly open STDIN if there is not a pipe 
already waiting to send me data.

It just dawned on me that I may not be using the correct terminology
since "pipe" and "STDIN" probably imply much more than I mean for them 
to convey.

I hope this is more clear.  And again, thanks for your help.

 - Paul

-----Original Message-----
From: drieux [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 11:20 AM
To: Perl Beginners Mailing List
Subject: Re: What is the source of my input, file or STDIN?

On Jan 6, 2004, at 9:32 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> So, 1. from within perl.script, how can one tell if the input stream
> coming from
> STDIN or a file that was opened by <>?
> 2. If input stream is not coming from STDIN, but a file, how can one
> tell which file is the current file (assuming multiple files were
> specified on the command line)?

This is gonna sound a bit silly, so laugh along
with me while I play this out.

If you want to know which is the whom For What,
why not simply code it that way?

As an illustration:

In this case I will walk the @ARGV if there is
anything to walk, test that the file exists,
then pass it off to a count_lines() function,
which will open it and count the number of lines.

If there are no arguments at the command line,
then we will call count_lines() without a file name.

On the inside of the count_lines() function is the trick

        $file ||= '-'; # we open STDIN unless file

either we were passed a file name to open, or we
will set $file to '-' so that it will read from STDIN.

cf: perldoc -f open



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