> >So, 1. from within perl.script, how can one tell if the input stream is
> >coming from STDIN or a file that was opened by <>?
> Use select
> >2. If input stream is not coming from STDIN, but a file, how can one
> >tell which file is the current file (assuming multiple files were
> >specified on the command line)?
> My solution is the hard way.  Open the files yourself and use the
> respective filenames as their filehandles.
> That is:
> open($foo, "< $foo") or die "Could not open $foo: $!\n";
> __________________
> William Ampeh (x3939)
> Federal Reserve Board

I'd go with your solution.  The mass-file operator surely has its place, but
I think it gets over-emphasized.Right offhand, I have hard time imagining a
context in which I would want to do homogeous processing with a whole
argument list of files.  In the cases where I would want to, I can't imagine
wanting to type them in at a command-line.

I can't help but suspect that this gets used way too much as a symptom of
operator fetishism.


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