On Fri, 2004-01-09 at 16:54, Wiggins d Anconia wrote:
> > > Any suggestions? Thanks for your help and thoughts.
> > 
> > It is much easier to define the set all chars must be in then not.  Use
> > the =! which is the complement of all charachters matched by =~. 
> > Alternatively, I believe there is a c option you can use.
> > 
> > -Dan
> That (I presume) should be !~ instead of != to complement =~ as opposed
> to ==.  When trying to include a dash in a character class (and not make
> it a range), [], place it as the first character in the class, when
> including a carat ^ do NOT place it as the first character (as that
> negates the class).
Ooops... My apologies.  I was typing too quick and without much
caffeine.  :-(


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