: I'm trying to discard any URL with any character that is not 
: an upper- or lower-case letter, digit, or the characters
: $-_.+!*'(), . I realize that some other characters can be
: used in special circumstances, but I don't have to allow for
: any of these in my program.
: I thought that my perl statement:
:   if ($url =~ /^[^A-Za-z0-9$-_.+!*'(),]+$/) {
:       print "Invalid character in URL at line $.: $url\n";
:       next;
:   }
:  is saying:
: if the variable $url contains any characters not in the set 
: [A-Za-z0-9$-_.+!*'(),]+$/), print "Invalid ..."

    No. It is saying if ALL characters are invalid ...

    Ignore the character class and look at the rest. There
is no room for a valid character:

    ^            # start at the beginning of the string
    $            # end at the end of the string

    Your anchors are dragging you down. You want to find the
first invalid character. After that it doesn't matter. This
should be fine.



Charles K. Clarkson
Head Bottle Washer,
Clarkson Energy Homes, Inc.
Mobile Home Specialists
254 968-8328

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