--As off Wednesday, January 14, 2004 10:48 PM -0500, Dan is alleged to have said:

Oh no! Its slower! I wrote a function implementing what is
described above and its actually slower (about 1/2 as slow) than
that huge thing I posted earlier. Does anything stand out here as
being inefficient? Here it is:

(First glance stuff:)

sub compare {
     my $a = shift;
     my $b = shift;

If this is a 'real' sort operation this isn't necessary, and shouldn't even work. Perl will do this for you.

     my $asciiDASH = 45;
     my $asciiDOT = 46;

These are legitimate constants. Declare them as such, outside of the subroutine. Then these assignments will only happen once, at compile time. (Instead of _every_ time the sort calls this routine.)

     my @a = unpack("C*", $a);
     my @b = unpack("C*", $b);

This can also be done with a: my @a = split //, $a; # (That is a null pattern.)

I'm not sure if split or unpack is faster, I'll have to benchmark in the morning.

Daniel T. Staal

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