On Fri, 16 Jan 2004, Larry Guest wrote:

> I have a small script that does some admin work for me.
> What I need to do now is not only have is display information to STDERR
> and STDOUT but also write the same information I see when I run the
> command to a file.
> I have written it for others who are not very technical.  I want them to
> be able to see the script working and what it is doing.  But I also need
> a log file of the same information so I can have it mailed to me and
> keep a copy on the server.
> I cant seem to get this to work.

What have you tried? I would alter the script to have multiple print 
statements. One to STDERR or STDOUT, the other to my file. Something like:

print STDERR "$message\n";
print LOGGER "$message\n";

If you want, you could "encapsulate" this by not using print directly, but 
in your own function, say "myprint()".

sub myprint {
    my $fn = shift;
    print $fn "@_";
    print LOGGER "@_";

my $message="This is a test.\n";

Hope this is useful in some way.

John McKown

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