On 1/25/2004 3:02 PM, Jan Eden wrote:
Hi Stuart,

@testarray gets the content of testmessage.txt, which contains the string '$name'. You cannot manipulate this string by setting the variable $name. You could do:

@testarray =~ s/\$name/$name/g;

which will replace the literal string '$name' using your variable's content.

or more generally


use strict;
use warnings;

my $name = "Randy";

while (my $line = <DATA>) {
  $line =~ s/[^\\](\$\w+)\W/eval $1/eg;
  print $line;

My name is $name.

For each line we read in, we look for any occurence of a unescaped dollar sign (i.e. not preceeded by a backslash) followed by any characters valid in a variable name up to any non-valid character. We then substitute that for the current value of that variable within our program.


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