For Quality purpouses, wolf blaum 's mail on Thursday 05 February 2004 06:07 
may have been monitored or recorded as:

> The script reads all files in the sql subdir of your home dir and produces
> the corrosponding filname.out in your homedir.

shame on me: of course it reads all the files in the sub dir sql of the 
CURRENT DIR, not the home dir. use ~/ if you want your homedir...

Well, if been here a while...

Something else i forgot: why do you need the count on the beginning of the 
line? I hope not as a unique (primary) key for the dbtable you feed that 
into.There should be an AUTO_INCREMENT in your DB for that.
And talking about DBs: 
According to te 3rd rule of Normalisation as outlined by e.f.codd of ibm in 
the 1970s: (to that i was arround at this time...)

"An Entity is said to be in 3rd normal form if it is allready in 2nd normal 
form and no nonidentifying attributs are dependent on any other 
nonidentifying attributs."

The repeat of a value like $fields[0] clearly violates this rule.
on Db Design.

Good night, wolf

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