Kenton Brede wrote:
> I've written the following subroutine to snag the next available UID in
> the 700 range from /etc/passwd.  I then use the return value with
> "useradd" to add a new user.
> The subroutine works fine.  If no UID 700 is found it returns 700.
> It then returns the next available UID or adds 1 to the last UID in the 700
> block.
> Even though it is functional it seems a little clunky to me.  If anyone
> has the time and inclination to point me to changes I could make I
> would appreciate it.

This will return the next UID or undef if one is not found:

sub get_uid {
    my ( $start, $end ) = @_;
    defined getpwuid $start or return $start while ++$start <= $end;

print get_uid( 700, 799 ), "\n";

use Perl;

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