On Sat, Feb 07, 2004 at 07:42:30PM -0000, Rob Dixon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>> Kenton Brede wrote:
>> <snip>
> Hi Kenton.

Hi, thanks for the great code.

> How does this look?

Well ... complex :)  Let me see if I can put this in English.

>   sub get_uid {
>     my %list;
>     @list{map {(split /:/)[2]} <DATA>} = ();
map reads the UID variables from <DATA> into @list.  What I don't
understand is "= ()"  My understanding is assignments move from right to
left so it seems "()" is assigned to "@list{map {(split /:/)[2]} <DATA>}"
I'm guessing this is how the hash is populated but it looks like "()" is
>     return (grep {not exists $list{$_}} 700 .. 799)[0];

 From perldoc "grep BLOCK LIST."  
 So grep finds the first "[0]" UID in the hash that doesn't exist in the list
 700 to 799.

>   }
> More readably, this does almost the same thing:
>   sub get_uid {
>     my %list;
>     while(<DATA>) {
>       my $uid = (split /:/)[2];
>       $list{$uid}++;

Looks like this increments the next instance of $uid into the hash.

>     }
>     foreach my $uid (700 .. 799) {
>       return $uid unless exists $list{$uid};
>     }
>     return undef;

I've got a question about this line.  I know it's there if all
available UIDs are taken, then the sub will return a value.  You've
chosen to return "undef."  Would it be in proper form to -

return "No available UIDs in the 700 range." ?

Maybe a better way of asking the question is, Are there "return"
guidelines?  I've perldoc -f and -q and
searched in the archives and didn't find a whole lot.  
Any doc pointers on this topic would be helpful.  I've been making some
first attempts at 'C.'  Maybe that's why this seems so confusing to me
ATM :)

"Efficiency is intelligent laziness."
  -David Dunham

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