On Feb 19, 2004, at 1:22 PM, Joel wrote:

Yes, BASIC is the only programming I have ever done. All I can really
remember was PRINT, GOTO, and a variety of line numbers.

Most of us were there at some point. We just don't talk about it much. :D

I'm trying to write a text adventure (Don't look at me like that, Perl is a general purpose

I have a semi-functional MUD I wrote in Perl sitting in my To Finish Someday pile. You'll get no funny looks from me.

I'm getting tired of writing large chunks of code that I reuse
the basic structure of and wouldn't mind an easier solution.

That's why we have loops, conditionals, subroutines, modules....

I'll go look up subroutines, allthough GOTO does just fine for me.

No it doesn't. Reread your previous sentence. ;)

I bet we can open your eyes to a whole new world, if we see some of that code. If it's especially large, perhaps you could post it online somewhere and just give us a link. I know I would be happy to go take a look at it and provide suggestions.


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