On Feb 19, 2004, at 10:48 AM, Smith Jeff D wrote:

I really need to order both the keys and one of the elements in the array
stored as a value in the hash, preferably sort first on the first element of
the array (my real application has four elements but the snippet I'm testing
with has a two-element array) and then sort secondly on the key.

Are you playing with the code I'm posting? :P

I know how you would like it sorted. I did that. (Actually, I believe I did miss the case insensitive part, but Rob has already fixed that.)

A Perl hash is an unordered structure. However, if we put the keys in the order we want and then use those to access the values, we're good to go. I posted a loop showing this in my last message.

I ordered the keys based on the first value and the key itself, just like you said. In order to avoid more confusion though, here's a proof of concept:


use strict;
use warnings;

# create some data
my %HofA = ( orange     => ['ZZZ', 'ANDY'],
                         red    => ['AAA', 'AL'],
                         blue   => ['mmm','Betty'],
                         yellow => ['aaa', 'ZEUS'],
                         green  => ['DDD','Mary Joe'],
                         violet => ['MMM','Hugo'] );

# sort it
my @ordered_keys = sort { lc($HofA{$a}[0]) cmp lc($HofA{$b}[0])
                                                  lc($a) cmp lc($b) } keys %HofA;

# print it
foreach (@ordered_keys) {
        print "$HofA{$_}[0], $_, $HofA{$_}[1]\n";


You'll notice that the above is really just a summary of this thread. When I run it, I get:

AAA, red, AL
aaa, yellow, ZEUS
DDD, green, Mary Joe
mmm, blue, Betty
MMM, violet, Hugo
ZZZ, orange, ANDY

Which is the output you requested in your original message.

Hope that helps.


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