It's working fine and thanks for your help---hopefully my users will welcome
the difference.

Thanks again.  

-----Original Message-----
From: James Edward Gray II [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2004 4:42 PM
To: Smith Jeff D
Subject: Re: An Old Question on Sorting Hash of Arrays by Array element an d
th en by key

On Feb 19, 2004, at 3:20 PM, Smith Jeff D wrote:

> Thanks, I must have missed it--I'll be getting back to it tomorrow
> morning
> to see what I missed in the original response.  I thought I had run as
> printed below.

No worries.  You probably did run my original response, which was 
flawed.  Mark gave a fix for it shortly after I posted it.  Then Rob 
pointed out that it was ignoring your case insensitive request today.  
All their suggestions are included below.

The Moral:  Don't use the original message.  Use this one.

> Anyway, thank for the help...I think I may have braced when I should
> have
> paren'd... It so simple when someone else does it first.... I was 
> trying to
> nest the sorts rather
> than logically or'ing them together  and it wasn't working.

Oring sort() conditions is a common Perl idiom.  Now you know.  ;)


> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> # create some data
> my %HofA = ( orange   => ['ZZZ', 'ANDY'],
>                        red    => ['AAA', 'AL'],
>                        blue   => ['mmm','Betty'],
>                        yellow => ['aaa', 'ZEUS'],
>                        green  => ['DDD','Mary Joe'],
>                        violet => ['MMM','Hugo'] );
> # sort it
> my @ordered_keys = sort { lc($HofA{$a}[0]) cmp lc($HofA{$b}[0])
>                                                 ||
>                                                 lc($a) cmp lc($b) } keys
> %HofA;
> # print it
> foreach (@ordered_keys) {
>       print "$HofA{$_}[0], $_, $HofA{$_}[1]\n";
> }
> __END__
> You'll notice that the above is really just a summary of this thread. 
> When I run it, I get:
> AAA, red, AL
> aaa, yellow, ZEUS
> DDD, green, Mary Joe
> mmm, blue, Betty
> MMM, violet, Hugo
> ZZZ, orange, ANDY
> Which is the output you requested in your original message.
> Hope that helps.
> James

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