On Saturday 28 February 2004 9:58 am, John W. Krahn wrote:
> Gary Stainburn wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> Hello,
> > as many of you who follow this list will know, a while back I decided to
> > learn OOP and set myself the task of simulating a railway system.
> >
> > A number of people asked if I could make the code available for viewing
> > in order to help me with my questions.
> >
> > I think that I have now done enough of the coding to show my intentions. 
> > I am (not very) quietly chuffed with what I've achieved so far.
>                      ^^^^^^^
> Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

This was an accidental play on words.  In the context I used it, it means 
proud, pleased with ones self.  However, it also means the amount of steam 
that a loco has, and therefore how well it's working.

> > Many thanks to all who helped. For those who are interested, the code is
> > available at http://www.stainburn.com/trainset-0.0.1.tgz
> James already made some good points on which I concur, especially adding
> whitespace!  I usually run unknown code through Perltidy which really
> improves readability.  James also mentioned nested subs.  If you define
> a sub inside of another sub it may appear that the sub is only visible
> inside that sub however sub names are package variables and are visible
> anywhere in the entire package.  If you want a lexically scoped sub you
> have to assign a sub reference to a lexically scoped scalar like:
> my $sub_name = sub { do something };

This was a last minute thing that I did to try to reduce the amount of code. 
(I think it camde from my Pascal days).

What I really want is to be able to replace

if (some condition) {
  print "some message" if ($verbose);
 return 0;


barf("some message") if (some condition);

combining the if/print and the return in one. This would mean that the return 
would have to return from 2 subs (barf and he caller).

I don't know if this is possible, but I seem to remember a recent thread on 
goto mentioned a special way of using it to do something similar. I'll have 
to look into it.
> John

Gary Stainburn
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