I've /share_folder with many user folders.



I would like to scan all user folders for files that are older than 30 days and delete them. Is this doable with Perl?

What do you mean by "older than 30 days"?

I mean files that were created 30 days ago. I disabled atime on my share_folder/ partition for faster access.

/dev/scsi/host0/bus1/target2/lun0/part1 /usrswap xfs rw,noatime,usrquota,grpquota 0 0

Thus, is it safe to assume the following script won't work?

You can use the perl utility 'find2perl' to generate the code for you:

find2perl /share_folder -atime +30 > rmoldshares.pl

produces a file 'rmoldshares.pl' that contains perl code to find all files in '/share_folder' that have an access time of 30 days or more. You can then modify it to call 'unlink' on the found files.

Regards, Norman

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