On 3/17/2004 9:39 PM, Stuart White wrote:

Yes, the goal is to learn perl, and to write a program
that is big enough to be challenging, interesting, and
uses most, if not all of the building blocks, (or at
least what I'd call building blocks: scalars, arrays,
hashes, reading files, control structures, regex,
subroutines, and references. Good, I'm not looking for anyone to write the program
for me, as that isn't too helpful in learning. I just
need some help along the way.

I plan on getting to the end by writing small programs
that parse the lines for the different categories. Then, I plan on putting them all together, either as
includes into one main, or cutting and pasting them
into one file. I expect to use a lot of regular
expressions to parse the files, and some hashes,
arrays, and perhaps a bit more complex data structures
like ArraysOfArrays, or HashesOfHashes, to store the

Does that help?

FWIW, You are right on track. The way your working on smaller pieces first and then assembling them into larger pieces, overcoming one problem/task/concept at a time. You are doing everything as it should be done.

One thing I might add is that it would make things easier in the long run if you write test cases as you go for each task. Read the docs in Test::Simple, Test::Tutorial, etc. and for each function/task write one or more test cases that test variances in input, and any problem you can think of that might arise. It's not critical, but perl encourages it, and it is a good habit to get into.

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