Charles K. Clarkson wrote:

To many of us, we are at war. Perl is so easy to learn that many have adopted very poor programming skills and produced very poor quality programs. It is important to many of us to turn the tide of poor perl programming habits.

I strongly agree.

Yes, perl allows you to perform the tasks in this article, but these tasks represent poor practices except under certain conditions. Those conditions were not outlined by the author.

    IMO, the author can be likened to a parent telling
a child she may defecate in any room in the house.
While technically true, I think you can see the problem
of a ten year old defecating in the living room with
company present. It is a disservice to the child.

OUCH! I'm glad I fixed my filters in time :)

But of course you are correct.  Dwelling upon
the cesspool of Internet code isn't going
to make better programmers.

    IMO, this particular article is a disservice to
beginning perl programmers. I can only hope that as many
people read the comments as read the author's article.

As someone once told me (on the Postfix list) "... people will not read the docs - they will read the 'Internet.'"

If my bad programming habits can be an example
of what not to do - fine.  I'm here to become
better as I would hope everyone else is.

Therefore I will post code questions instead
of How-To's.

More reading - if anyone cares -

_Sx_ _____
perldoc -qa.a | perl -lpe '($_)=m("(.*)")' | grep Martian

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