
I'm trying to write a rule for SpamAssassin that looks for the following
in a message:
"From: " followed by "anything BUT 'Mertens Bram' or 'Bram Mertens'"
followed by "<my_e-mail-address>"

So these two shouldn't trigger the rule:
From: Bram Mertens <my_e-mail-address>
From: Mertens Bram <my_e-mail-address>

But something like this should trigger it:
From: "optometric" <my_e-mail-address>

this rule catches the above:

But the rule needs to catch other fake names as well.

I've tried among others:

this partly works:

Only this look for "From: " NOT followed by "Bram Mertens
<my_e-mail-address>" or "Mertens Bram <my_e-mail-address>"

So it will also trigger on 'From: "jack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' or even 'From:
' which is not what I want.

Somebody suggested to use a rule like:

And another rule to catch the 2 exceptions.  But the .* means that the
parser might test the entire e-mail making the test slow and heavy on
Something like:
/From\:\s".{0,20}"\s*<my_e-mail-address>/i prevents this but I'd like to
know if there's a better solution.

Perhaps testing against some characters, or character-combinations that
don't exist in 'Bram Mertens' or 'Mertens Bram'?

Is there a way to test how (in)efficient or demanding a certain rule is?

(Sorry for the long post.)

# Mertens Bram "M8ram"   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          Linux User #349737 #
# SuSE Linux 8.2 (i586)     kernel 2.4.20-4GB      i686     256MB RAM #
#  3:16pm  up 8 days 18:53,  8 users,  load average: 0.09, 0.19, 0.10 #

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