On Tue, 2004-03-30 at 17:37, Harry Putnam wrote:
> You may get some REALLY inventive regex here... I have before.
> But I think you're working too hard and should resort to
> spamassassins own tools.  This can be done with a push/pull technique.
> Investigate spamassassins `meta' handle.  (In place of the more normal
> `header' handle)

Thanks, but I should have mentioned that I'm NOT testing the from
header.  I'm trying to catch messages that look like bounced messages
from me but that don't include my correct e-mail-info.

I already have a rule that does what you suggested, it looks like:
header    M8RAM_FAKE_FROM  From =~ 
score     M8RAM_FAKE_FROM  1.0
describe  M8RAM_FAKE_FROM  From contains my address but I didn't send this!

But this rule doesn't trigger on these messages because I'm looking for
a match inside the body of a message, not a header...

Again thanks for the help

# Mertens Bram "M8ram"   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          Linux User #349737 #
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