People of the Perl, 

from my understanding strict disallows soft references, ensures that all 
variables are declared before usage and disallows barewords except for 

what is a soft reference?
what is a bareword?
why is strict disallowing a compile here.... When I comment out strict the 
syntax checks outs as ok!???
how do I display each element # with its corresponding data line, b/c I 
only want certain elements printed out?

thank you!

# Set pragma

use strict;


# Declare sub

sub tsm_critical_servers {

        my $crout="/tmp/critical_servers.out";

# Make system call for data gathering 

        system ("dsmadmc -id=menu -password=xxxxxx 'q event * * 
        begind=-1 begint=15:30 endd=today endtime=now' > $crout");
# Create array and read in each line as a seperate element
        open (CRITICALSERVERS, "$crout") || die "can't open file \n: $!";
        while ( defined($line = <CRITICALSERVERS>) ) {
        chomp ($line);
        my @tsm = <CRITICALSERVERS>;
                foreach $_ (@tsm) {
                print $_;
        close (CRITICALSERVERS);

Derek B. Smith
OhioHealth IT
UNIX / TSM / EDM Teams

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