Durai wrote:
> Hello All,


> I am having the following lines of code to remove "\n" from string.
> $_="Hi. \n This is test string";
> s/
>  (\n)
>  /HI
> /xisg;
> print;
> I expected the output like:
> Hi. HI This is test string
> But I got:
> Hi. HI
>  This is test string
> Anything wrong?

It looks fine to me.

$ perl -le'$_="Hi. \n This is test string"; s/ (\n) /HI/xisg; print'
Hi. HI This is test string

But of course, you don't need the /i option because there are no letters
in the regular expression and you don't need the /s option because you
are not using . in the regular expression and you don't need the
parentheses because you are not grouping or capturing anything.

$ perl -le'$_="Hi. \n This is test string"; s/ \n /HI/xg; print'
Hi. HI This is test string

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