Sorry, I meant to upload this script (see below). However, I have one last question. Why can't I use

s/\n//g;    # instead of


in the script below? I thought it would be simpler to remove the newline characters from $_ which is all I really want to do. However, most of the time all I will see are "-" and letters which is why I set the tr function the way I did.

I just couldn't figure out why the substitution function wouldn't work in this case. How am I setting it up wrong?


#! /usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use FileHandle;

my %organisms;

print "Enter in a list of files to be processed:\n";

# For example:
# CytB.fasta
# NADH1.fasta
# ....

chomp (my @infiles = <STDIN>);

print "Enter in the name of the OUTFILE:\n";
        chomp (my $outfile = <STDIN>);
        open(OUTFILE, ">$outfile")
                or die "Can't open OUTFILE: $!";

foreach my $infile (@infiles) {
        my $FASTA = new FileHandle;
    open  ($FASTA, $infile)
        or die "Can't open INFILE: $!";
        my $orgID;

        while (defined($_ = <$FASTA>)) {
                         print "\n<< Processing >>$_<<\n";

                  if (/\s*>(\w+)/) {
                $orgID = $1;
                print "Found a new organism start line ('$orgID')\n";

                 else {
                        tr/A-Za-z-//cd;  # originally tried  s/\n//g;
                        print "Sequence data found: $_\n";
                        print "Appending data to $orgID\n";

                                $organisms{$orgID} .= $_;
     # do not forget to close the input file
     close ($FASTA)
        or die "could not close INFILE : $!";

# we've processed all input files...print the resulting hash
print "\n****************************************\n";
while (my ($orgID, $sequence) = each(%organisms)) {
        print OUTFILE ">$orgID\n$sequence\n\n";    


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