> On Fri, 2 Jul 2004 14:32:49 -0400 , Bob Showalter wrote
> > perl.org wrote:
> > > From http://iis1.cps.unizar.es/Oreilly/perl/cookbook/ch04_07.htm, 
> > 
> > Methinks that stuff is illegally posted copyrighted information.
> Several people responded individually with comments like 
> this.  If the authors
> care, shouldn't they contact the ISP?  I mean, I can't police 
> the internet
> single-handedly.  And I think O'Reilly has probably already 
> made enough take
> on this particular snippet...

How nice of you to decide this for O'Reilly.

I think the local grocery store has made enough money for today, and I
think I'll go in and take an apple.

> I mean, I can't police 
> the internet
> single-handedly.

No, but you can at least refrain from posting links to copyrighted
material to the beginners list.

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