On Friday 02 July 2004 12:05, Rod Za wrote:
> Hello all,


> I want to make a function to list all jobs name from a printer.
> The format of the jobs name is like d00001-001, d00002-001.
> To list all the jobs and get the correct job name, i use the lpstat
> command, that returns me lines like this one:
> _DATA_
> HP4100V-4               rodza          2597888   Seg 21 Jun 2004
> 12:56:56 BRT _DATA_
> in the first camp i got the printer name (HP4100V) followed by the
> job numer (separated by -), the owner of the job, the job length in
> bytes and the started job data.
> What i mean here is to use a hash with 2 camps: 'name' and 'jobs'. In
> the 'name' i put the printer name. In the 'jobs' i put a hash
> reference that got the job name like his key associated with the
> owner job name.
> well, i write this code that are not working::
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use warnings;
> use strict;
> sub lst_job{ # this sub list all the jobs name from a printer
>         my ($printer) = @_;
>         my @lpstat = `lpstat -P $printer`;
>         my %jobs;
>         #here i assembly the job name (like d00001-01)
>         for(my $i=0; $i < @lpstat; $i++){

You can just use a foreach loop here:

    foreach ( @lpstat ) {

>                 $lpstat[$i] =~ /\w+\-(\d+)\s+(\w+)\s+/;
>                 $jobs{sprintf("d%05d-001",$1)} = $2;

You shouldn't use the numeric variables unless the regular expression 
matched successfully and you should anchor the regexp so it doesn't 
match the wrong thing.

        $jobs{ sprintf 'd%05d-001', $1 } = $2
            if /^\w+-(\d+)\s+(\w+)\s+/;

>         }
>         my %printer = ( name => $printer,
>                         jobs => \%jobs,
>                 );
>        return %printer;

You don't need to create a hash here, just return the list.

    return name => $printer, jobs => \%jobs;

> }

You could write it like this:   :-)

sub lst_job {
    my $printer = shift;
    my $flag;
    return name => $printer, jobs => {
        map +( $flag = !$flag ) ? sprintf( 'd%05d-001', $_ ) : $_,
        map /^\w+-(\d+)\s+(\w+)\s+/,
        `lpstat -P $printer`

> my %printers = lst_job("HP4100V");
> print "The printers: ".$printers{name}." got this job(s):\n";

Perl will interpolate scalars in strings.

print "The printers: $printers{name} got this job(s):\n";

> foreach my $keys (keys $printers{jobs}){

You need to dereference the hash reference in $printers{jobs}.

for my $key ( keys %{ $printers{ jobs } } ) {

>         print $printers{jobs}->{$key}."\n";

The '->' is optional in this instance.

    print "$printers{jobs}{$key}\n";

> };
> _END_

use Perl;

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