> jason corbett wrote:
> > How can i rename a file or create a file with the date included? For
> > example, I want to automate and run reports and save the reports
> > under the date of when they were created i.e. JC07082004. Whats the
> > easiest way to do this?   
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > JC
>       Using localtime in conjunction with time, you can roll your own
little setup. 

Additionally, if you didn't know already, Perl has a 'rename' function
built in, or if you are going to g across file system boundaries you
should look at the File::Copy module.

perldoc -f rename
perldoc -f time
perldoc -f localtime
perldoc File::Copy

Additionally you might consider using the Compress::Zlib for compression
of the logs, and you should definitely consider changing your naming
convention to be YYYYMMDD as that will allow the files to sort properly
in their directory.


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