On Jul 14, 2004, at 3:39 PM, perl.org wrote:

On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 15:31:00 -0500, James Edward Gray II wrote

We're trying to teach you Perl. Please remember that. It's why you are here.

This sure can be an unfriendly list...

That was my Nice Voice, actually. Ask the list. I ran off some guy using my Mean Voice recently.

Most of us Perl users aren't big on prototyping.  As far as I'm
concerned, it creates more issues than it solves.

This is what I'm trying to understand - what issues does it create? I still
don't have a real answer.

Bob has already given you one. It can spontaneously change the behavior of subs.

My main reason is that Perl's Method Dispatch bypasses them altogether. That makes them useless with objects and thus useless to me most of the time.

Welcome to Perl.

I've been programming Perl for about 10 years. I do hate the syntax and other
annoyances when I return to Perl from Java or C#, but I also appreciate the

Whatever you think is fine, but remember we like Perl. ;) Be good.

I hope to use this list as a forum for what I hope are best
practices and to further my understanding. If I am not welcome here, just let
me know.

We are here to help you learn Perl. We welcome your interest as long as you continue to welcome our Perl Way answers, agree or disagree...


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