I am using RH9, postgreSQL and perl5. Is it possible to get users to submit multiple 
page web-forms but not to pass values from one form to the next? I would like to store 
each page to the database server as it is submitted. Also, to build in the process to 
resume the web-form submission at a later time e.g say there are twent pages to submit 
and the user stops feeding the forms at the tenth form. I would like to email the user 
a reminder so he can log back in and start from the eleventh form. Can anyone tell me 
if this sort of thing is implemented anywhere, so I can study it. Or, can anyone 
provide me pointers on how to do it or links for the same? What modules would I 
require or what type of logic is generally required.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

With best regards.

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