Singh, Harjit wrote:
The following code is what I used to check if item number could be
detected for the file I sent in the earlier email.  The code seems to
have failed and need a advise on it..

A couple of suggestions/corrections:


use strict; use warnings;

$file1 = ' C:\perl\bin\dummy.txt' ;

open (INFO, "< $file1 ") or die "Can't open $file: $1";

while (<INFO>)

This assigns each line in turn to the special variable $_


if ($test = ~ "/2\.2\./d+\./d+\./d+"){

so, matching against $test, which is undefined, does nothing. Also, the regular expression should not be in quotes. What you want to do is match the regular expression againg $_ and capture the data you want using the regular expression capture operator (). Using your above expression that would be something like:

if ( $_ =~ /2\.2\.(/d+)\.(/d+)\.(/d+)/ ){

or since the $_ variable is implied, it can be shortened to:

if ( /2\.2\.(/d+)\.(/d+)\.(/d+)/ ){

print " $test \n " ; }}

Using the above captures, your results will now be in the variables $1, $2, & $3.

close (INFO);

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