Hi Errin,

Try something like this:

use strict;
my $file = 'filename';
open FH "<$fh";
my $text = "";
while (my $line = <FH> and $line !~ /System Temperatures/) {}
while (my $line = <FH> and $line !~ /==*/) { $text .= $line; }
print $text;


It may not be elegant, but it should work.

On Fri, 13 Aug 2004 08:19:43 -0500, Errin Larsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey guys (and gals, I imagine!),
> I'm really new to perl. I've been working through some beginners
> tutorials and now I need (want!) to use perl to overhaul something I
> wrote in the past.  I've got a script (in bash) that I use that has a
> particular sed command in it.  The command is as follows:
>  sed -n '/System Temperatures/,/==*/p' FILENAME
> The file in question has text that looks like this:
> No failures found in System
> ===========================
> ========================= Environmental Status =========================
> System Temperatures (Celsius):
> -------------------------------
> Device          Temperature     Status
> ---------------------------------------
> CPU0             65             OK
> CPU1             63             OK
> CPU2             64             OK
> CPU3             63             OK
> MB               35             OK
> IOB              30             OK
> DBP0             32             OK
> =================================
> Front Status Panel:
> -------------------
> Keyswitch position: NORMAL
> (obviously, this is output from the Sun Solaris' prtdiag -v command!)
> I want to collect just the temperature data from this file, so I use
> the above sed command to pull out only the lines:
> System Temperatures (Celsius):
> -------------------------------
> Device          Temperature     Status
> ---------------------------------------
> CPU0             65             OK
> CPU1             63             OK
> CPU2             64             OK
> CPU3             63             OK
> MB               35             OK
> IOB              30             OK
> DBP0             32             OK
> =================================
> What I'm looking for is a graceful way to do this in a perl script.
> I'm kinda at a loss for where to begin.  Can you help me out?
> Thanks,
> --Errin Larsen
> --
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