Chris Devers wrote:

OK, my problem is that the attempt to connect using gets a message something like connection refused by the server.

Is there some location in the httpd.conf file to list an acceptable client?

Is the web server running on your desktop? Yes or no?

Yes, it's on this machine I am writing from.

If it's on a different computer, than the address will never work, because all communication to stays on the computer that the communication originated from.

If it's on a different computer, you need to figure out what the server's real address is. It is not & never will be

When I finish rebuilding one of my machines that I intend to use as a server (perhaps for an intranet) this might become an issue. But not right now.

If it's on the computer you're using, that's a different matter, and we can go over that, but it sounds to me like you're using a bad address.

I am sure the server is running, but typing in the ip address keeps getting me a connection refused message. Hence, I think somewhere I need to make myself an acceptable client.

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