Darren Birkett wrote:


Is there a better way to search all elements of an array for a string (without using a loop to test individual elements) than:

$line = join(' ',@myarray);
if ($line =~ /my string/) {
        some code

I've seen map and grep used by some but also critisized by some. I thought there might be a function to easily search all elements of an array at once for a string but I can't find one.

If all the elements are unique then use a hash.

if ( exists $hash{ 'my string' } ) {
    # do something

The most efficient way to determine if an element exists in an array is to use a for loop and exit early:

my $found = 0;
for ( @array ) {
    if ( $_ eq 'my string' ) {
        $found = 1;

If you need to determine the number of matches you can use grep:

my $count = grep $_ eq 'my string', @array;

use Perl;

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