On Aug 24, 2004, at 9:14 AM, Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:

Isn't grep() "specific" enough?

Initially you said:

    $line = join(' ',@myarray);
    if ($line =~ /my string/) {
        some code

The equivalent using grep() would be:

    if ( grep /my string/, @myarray ) {
        some code

Ordinarily, I wouldn't even mention this, but since the conversation is about what is fastest...

The above is pretty much the textbook perfect example of an inefficient use of grep(). The reason is that we just want to know if @myarray contains ANY /my strings/, but grep() fetches them ALL. If the list contains 10,000 entries, and the first is a /my string/, that's 9,999 lookups we didn't need.

I would simply substitute List::Utils' first() in the above example, to "fix" this.

Though again, it probably isn't "broken" at all. (See my speed rant in previous message.)


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