Here ya go ... this works for me.  I tested it with up to 5 input
files and it was still workin'.  It does have a bug, though.  It
doesn't check whether all the input files are the same length.  Nor
did I test what happens when they AREN'T the same length.  Let me know
what ya think:


use warnings;
use strict;

unless( @ARGV >= 2 ) { die "Usage: $0 file1 file2 [file3...]\n"; }

my @results;

foreach( @ARGV ) {
        open IN, $_ or die "Couldn't open $_: $!\n";
        chomp( my @data = <IN> );
        close IN;
        foreach( @data ) { s/\s+//g; }
        foreach( 0..$#data ) { $results[$_] .= $data[$_]; }

foreach( @results ) { print "$_\n"; }


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