> >foreach( @ARGV ) {
> >       open IN, $_ or die "Couldn't open $_: $!\n";
> >       chomp( my @data = <IN> );
> >       close IN;
> >       foreach( @data ) { s/\s+//g; }
> >       foreach( 0..$#data ) { $results[$_] .= $data[$_]; }
> >}
> This is a little shorter and saves on iterations:
> for my $file (@ARGV) {
>      open IN, $file or die "Couldn't open $file: $!\n";
>      @results = map { my $line = $_; chomp $line; $line =~ s/\s+//g;

@results seems would be re-assigned when the next file comes...

Besides, I guess chomp is not nesessary here.. \s+ means [\t\r\n\f]+, 
so \r, \n or \r\n would seem to be cleared by the s expression.

> $line } (<IN>);
>      close IN;
> }

I would suggest to write in this way :
my @res = ();
foreach( @ARGV ) {
       open IN, $_ or die "Couldn't open $_: $!\n";
       my @data = <IN>;
       close IN;

        s/\s+//g  for @data;
        @res = ( @res, @data );

Code not been tested, but the concept is something like this.

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